Τετάρτη 19 Φεβρουαρίου 2014

Importance of Reducing Stress and Maintaining a Healthy Gastrointestinal Tract

 Stress can affect every part of the digestive system  
Stress can cause your esophagus to go into spasms. It can increase the acid in your stomach causing indigestion or can make you feel nauseous. Stress can cause your colon to react in a way that gives you diarrhea or constipation. We are all familiar with the athlete or the student who has to rush to the bathroom before the big game or the big exam.  

Keeping Stress Under Control is Very Important  to Maintain a Healthy Gastrointestinal Tract
 Functional gastrointestinal disorders affect 35% to 70% of people at some point in life.
Multiple factors — biological, psychological, and social — contribute to the development of a functional gastrointestinal disorder.    This is why Quantum Biofeedback Therapies are helpful to alleviate functional gastrointestinal disorders and help people learn to cope with such symptoms.

Life-sustaining functions, such as breathing, heartbeat, blood pressure, and body temperature, are regulated through the autonomic nervous system. This complex network of nerves extends from the brain to all the major organs of the body and has two major divisions. The sympathetic nervous system triggers the "fight or flight" response. The parasympathetic nervous system calms the body down after the danger has passed. Both the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems interact with another, less well-known component of the autonomic nervous system — the enteric nervous system, which helps regulate digestion.
The enteric nervous system is sometimes referred to as a "second brain" because it relies on the same types of neurons and neurotransmitters that are found in the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord). After sensing that food has entered the gut, neurons lining the digestive tract signal muscle cells to initiate a series of intestinal contractions that propel the food farther along, breaking it down into nutrients and waste. At the same time, the enteric nervous system uses neurotransmitters such as serotonin to communicate and interact with the central nervous system.

 A family of peptides called corticotrophin releasing factors are responsible for coordinating the body’s response to stress, and corticotrophin releasing factors  have a potent effects on the gut through modulation of inflammation, increase of gut permeability, contribution to visceral hypersensitivity, increased perception to pain, and modulation of the gut motility. This hormone affects the hypothalamic-pituitary axis (HPA) to eventually stimulate the secretion of cortisol from the adrenal glands.

 Chronic exposure to stress may lead to the development of a variety of gastrointestinal diseases such as gastroesophageal reflux disease, peptic ulcer disease, Irritable bowel syndrome and even food allergies. Experimental studies have shown that psychological stress slows normal small intestinal transit time, encourages overgrowth of bacteria, and even compromises the intestinal barrier.  Chronic stress m therefore plays an important role in the development of intestinal bacterial overgrowth.

So detect your stress, reduce your stress and manage your stress with Quantum Biofeedback for a healthier gastrointestinal tract

 Dr. Violetta Anninou, Ph.D.


Δευτέρα 17 Φεβρουαρίου 2014

Εθισμός & Βιοανάδραση με SCIO/INDIGO/EDUCTOR


“Οι άνθρωποι θα κάνουν οτιδήποτε για όσο χρειάζεται για να αποδράσουν από την συνήθεια να ζουν, ώσπου η απόδραση γίνεται συνήθεια”.
David Ryan

Το Δίκτυο Health Resource Network έχει τεκμηριώσει το στρες ως την κύρια αιτία για την ανάπτυξη του αλκοολισμού, της παχυσαρκίας, της αυτοκτονίας, του εθισμού στα ναρκωτικά, του εθισμού στην νικοτίνη και άλλων βλεβερών συμπεριφορών. Οι ερευνητές στο πεδίο των εθισμών θεωρούν ότι πρόκειται για μία ανταπόκριση στο χρόνιο στρες.

Πέντε εκπληκτικά γεγονότα για τον εθισμό:
1) Ο εθισμός στα ναρκωτικά και/ή στο αλκοόλ αποτελεί πρόβλημα για περίπου 30 εκατομμύρια ανθρώπους μόνο στις Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες. Οι εθισμοί σε αυτές τις ουσίες και τα προβλήματα ψυχικής υγείας που πηγάζουν από αυτούς είναι από τα πιο σημαντικά προβλήματα υγείας που επηρεάζουν την σύγχρονη κοινωνία.
2) Ο εθισμός στα ναρκωτικά και/ή στο αλκοόλ είναι εκπληκτικά συνηθισμένος. Περίπου 1 στους 8 Αμερικανούς ζει με κάποιο είδος εθισμού. Αυτό περιλαμβάνει ναρκωτικά και αλκοόλ. Καθώς αυτοί οι αριθμοί περιλαμβάνουν μόνο περιπτώσεις που έχουν αναφερθεί, τα πραγματικά ποσοστά ίσως είναι πολύ υψηλότερα.  
3) Ο εθισμός σε συνταγογραφούμενα φάρμακα είναι ένα πρόβλημα σε άνθιση μεταξύ των νέων ανθρώπων. Τα OxyContin και Vicodin δεν είναι παράνομα όταν συνταγογραφούνται από γιατρό. Είναι ιδιαιτέρως εθιστικά και γίνονται ολοένα και πιο δημοφιλή ανάμεσα στους χρήστες ναρκωτικών. Η χρήση συνταγογραφούμενων φαρμάκων για μη-ιατρικούς λόγους συμβαίνει πλέον στα ίδια περίπου ποσοστά με την χρήση μαριχουάνας, σε ανθρώπους ηλικίας 12-20 ετών.
4) Το ένα τέταρτο όλων των εισαγωγών σε νοσοκομεία σχετίζονται με τον αλκοολισμό. Το συνολικό κόστος για την κοινωνία κάθε χρόνο λόγω εθισμού στο αλκοόλ και/ή στα ναρκωτικά εκτιμάται στα $250 δισεκατομμύρια ετησίως.
5) Περίπου 70 τοις εκατό των ανθρώπων που χρησιμοποιούν παράνομα ναρκωτικά είναι εργαζόμενοι. Το γεγονός ότι έχουν πρόβλημα ναρκωτικών σημαίνει αυξημένο κόστος για τον εργοδότη με όρους απουσίας από την εργασία, μειωμένης παραγωγικότητας και αλλαγής προσωπικού.

Οι γιατροί συστήνουν τα άτομα που πάσχουν από κάποιον εθισμό να κάνουν διάλειμμα 30 λεπτών ημερησίως για να χαλαρώσουν, να παίρνουν βαθιές αναπνοές και να προσπαθούν να μην σκέφτονται τα στρεσογόνα που μπορεί να πυροδοτήσουν την ανάγκη τους για χρήση/ κατάχρηση.

Το σύστημα αναζωογόνησης  SCIO/INDIGO/EDUCTOR σχεδιάστηκε για να μειώνει το στρες, να αυξάνει την χαλάρωση και να αφήνει στον πελάτη ένα αίσθημα άνεσης με μία ανανεωμένη αίσθηση γαλήνης.
Σε περίπου πέντε λεπτά, το Σύστημα Βιοανάδρασης SCIO/INDIGO/EDUCTOR μπορεί ταυτοχρόνως να εντοπίσει και να καταγράψει πληροφορίες σχετικά με τις στρεσογόνες αντιδράσεις του κάθε πελάτη εξατομικευμένα και να βοηθήσει να ηρεμήσουν αυτές οι στρεσογόνες αντιδράσεις. 
Οι εκδηλώσεις του εθισμού σχετίζονται με τις αλλαγές στην λειτουργία των νευρώνων με τις οποίες ο εγκέφαλος επιχειρεί να προσαρμοστεί στην παρουσία του ναρκωτικού. Αυτές οι λειτουργικές αλλαγές διαμορφώνουν την αρχική ανταπόκριση σε κάποιο ναρκωτικό, την ανάπτυξη μακροχρόνιας λαχτάρας για το ναρκωτικό. 

Το SCIO/INDIGO/EDUCTOR εργάζεται για να επανεκπαιδεύσει τις νευρικές και συναπτικές ανταποκρίσεις του εγκεφάλου στον προηγούμενο φυσιολογικό τρόπο λειτουργίας.  Το SCIO/INDIGO/EDUCTOR βοηθάει στην αναστροφή της προσαρμογής και της εξάρτησης του εγκεφάλου από την ουσία. Όταν ένα ναρκωτικό συγκρατείται από ένα άτομο που μετέχει σε κανονική χρήση, προκύπτουν σωματικά και συναισθηματικά σύνδρομα στέρησης.

Τα ναρκωτικά και το αλκοόλ καταπιέζουν την παραγωγή νευροδιαβιβαστών όπως η νοραδρεναλίνη. Όταν η χρήση ναρκωτικών σταματήσει, ο εγκέφαλος απελευθερώνει ποσότητες αδρεναλίνης που προκαλούν πλήθος συμπτωμάτων στέρησης σωματικών και συναισθηματικών.

Σωματικά συμπτώματα: ιδρώτας, ταχυκαρδία, έντονοι παλμοί, μυϊκή ένταση, σφίξιμο στο στήθος, δυσκολία στην αναπνοή, τρόμος, ναυτία, εμετός ή διάρροια.
Συναισθηματικά συμπτώματα: Άγχος, ανησυχία, ευερεθιστότητα, αϋπνία, πονοκέφαλοι, ανεπαρκής συγκέντρωση, κατάθλιψη, κοινωνική απομόνωση. Το SCIO/INDIGO/EDUCTOR μπορεί να διευκολύνει την χαλάρωση, μειώνοντας τα εναύσματα για την λαχτάρα για χρήση, ενώ μειώνει επίσης τα επώδυνα αποτελέσματα της στέρησης.

Τρίτη 11 Φεβρουαρίου 2014

Post Graduate Study entitled Neuroanatomy, Neuroelectrophysiology and Biofeedback

SCIO International Romania in collaboration with the “Victor Babeş” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Timişoara, Romania – Faculty of General Medicine, Anatomy Department is pleased to present Post Graduate Study entitled Neuroanatomy, Neuroelectrophysiology and Biofeedback. SCIO device – foundation of Bioresonance.

The first international post graduate study on biofeedback credited by Romanian College of Physicians with CME(Continuing Medical Education) credits

Module I March 21 – 23, 2014
Module II May 02 – 04, 2014
Module III October 10 – 12, 2014
Module IV November 28 – 30, 2014

Professional work and top education are beginning to make their mark on the world stage. SCIO International is investing in education and increasingly developing international linkages through collaborations and partnerships. We are committed to providing quality education with this annual course that provides insights into key issues in the use of the SCIO device and its applications ensuring the best outcomes for attendees and also offers an excellent opportunity to learn and exchange best practices, network and explore global partnership and collaboration.

The course is designed to help attendees gain knowledge, competence and improve performance in order to be able to become better in using the SCIO device.
Registrants will have the opportunity to engage in conversation with the speakers and have an opportunity to participate in a hands-on skills workshop performing procedures with the SCIO device.
Benefits of attending:
•    Learning opportunities to capture insights from leading experts in the field;
•    Workshops to further enhance skills and knowledge;
•    Networking opportunities with peers;
•    Discussing individual questions in one-to-one consultation sessions;
•    Learning opportunities with case-based educational sessions;
•    Featuring self-learning resources like step-by-step manuals, studies & articles, training DVDs.

The course is organized on a modular basis, comprising of 4 modules per year.
Attendees are required to complete all 4 modules and expected to pass examination in order to gain the Graduate Certificate, respectively the CME credits.

The target audience includes family physicians, specialists, physical and occupational therapists and assistants, pharmacists, nurses and nurse practitioners, social workers, massage therapists, psychologists etc. Other health professionals are welcome to attend. The course is open to persons holding a Bachelor’s Degree.

Upon completion of this educational activity and passing the examination, participants are granted with Graduate Certificate issued by the “Victor Babeş” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Timişoara, Romania. The course is credited by the Romanian College of Physicians with CME (Continuing Medical Education) credits. This Graduate Certificate is the first and only academic accomplishment to provide participants with specialized knowledge in the application of the SCIO device.

Join the most influential and inspiring complementary medicine practitioners and healthcare professionals who are shaping the future of Natural Medicine practice:
Dr. Aurel I. Băcean (Romania)
MD with specialty in neurosurgery/PhD, Dr. professor expert of bioresonance and Quantum Biofeedback with spectacular results in his work. 
Dr. Oana Codruţa Băcean Miloicov (Romania)
MD/PhD and internationally accredited biofeedback instructor.

Dr. Onuţ Marius Răzvan Băcean (Romania)
MD with specialty in family medicine/PhD candidate and internationally accredited biofeedback instructor.
Dr. Igor Četojević (Ciprus)
Medical Doctor and acupuncturist, having a wide experience in Chinese Traditional Medicine, one of the leading SCIO practitioners and trainers.

Dr. Matthias Heiliger (Switzerland)
Specialist in gynecology, obstetrics, balneology, endocrinology, laser surgery and thermo regulation. Successful SCIO trainer and practitioner.
Dr. Violetta Anninou, (Greece)
A molecular biologist, a certified biofeedback specialist, with a diplomate in Quantum Biofeedback and a Graduate Certificate in Neuroanatomy, Neuroelectrophysiology and Biofeedback, issued by the Victor Babes University of Medicine and Pharmacy Timisoara, Romania.

Dr. Iosif Mezei (Romania)
Headmaster of integrative Bioenergetic Medicine/Bioresonance with a vast work experience in bioresonance, acupuncture, chirotherapy, clinical phytotherapy, clinical homeopathy and osteopathy. SCIO practitioner since 1997.

AROMA Guesthouse, Oradea-Sanmartin, Romania
Bd. Felix 105/72
Phone: 0040 359 457 200
      0040 740 170 133
Email: info@scioqxci.net

The guesthouse rooms are available at a special discounted price. Please make your reservations through SCIO International in order to receive the discounted rate. Reservations will be accepted on space availability.

Single room price is 25 Euro/night.
Double room price is 30 Euro/night.

The prices include: breakfast, taxes, supervised parking, internet (Lan and Wireless).
Optional: dinner, by paying 10 euros extra.
Special needs such as dietary restrictions should be indicated in advance; requests cannot always be honored on site.

Note: All those who are coming by airplane should choose Ferihegy (BUD) - Budapesta, Hungary for their destination airport.
The participants coming for the First Module (March 21 – 23, 2014) should come to Budapest on the 20th of March. Please make sure to be in the airport at 2PM.After the conference, on the 24th of March, we will make sure that the participants reach Budapest around 12 PM.
We will provide transport, free of charge, from Budapest to Oradea and back.

Required documents for registration:
•    Registration Form
•    ID card copy (passport)
•    2 photos (size 3 x 4)
•    Copy of university diploma

PARTICIPATION FEE: 200 EUR/module (total: 800 Euro/course)
The fee covers:
      - course participation,
      - coffee breaks and lunch.

Please make sure to register until the 15th of March, 2014 because the number of participants is limited.

DVDs with the course presentations will be available to attendees after editing, at a discounted price. If provided by lecturers, presentation slides and/or other materials will be available in electronic format, instead of printed handouts. You are welcome, but not required, to bring your own laptop.

General Information:

58/A Lebedei St., Oradea, Romania
Phone: 0040 740 170 133
Fax: 0040 259 407 606
E-mail: info@scioqxci.net
Web: www.scioqxci.net


Photographs or videos are routinely taken of participants for advertisement and other purposes. By registering for the conference, you hereby grant the organizer permission to utilize photos of you taken at the conference for advertising purposes.
Do not miss this opportunity to learn and improve your work with the SCIO with our top international educators!
DISCLAIMER The SCIO is to be used as a universal electrophysiological biofeedback system. It is designed for stress detection and stress reduction. The device does not diagnose any issue other than stress. Stress can come from many sources; this system uses many multimedia therapies to reduce stress. This device also measures client's electrophysiological reactivity which is another way to represent stress. Only a licensed healthcare practitioner can diagnose a client. The system is calibrated to measure the very fine and subtle electrical reactions to a group of biological and medical stressors. The sensitivity is set so fine so as to pick up the earliest sign of distress and issues related to distress. Therefore, the results might be below the client recognition. The readings should be evaluated by trained biofeedback technicians. Always consult with a licensed healthcare practitioner. Always use additional tests or referrals. No claims other than stress detection and stre!
ss reduction may be made.


SCIO International Romania în colaborare cu Universitatea de Medicina si Farmacie “Victor Babes”, Timisoara, Romania – Facultatea de Medicina Generala, Departamentul de Anatomie are placerea de a va prezenta Cursul postuniversitar intitulat Neuroanatomie, neuroelectrofiziologie și biofeedback. Dispozitivul SCIO – placa turnantă a biorezonantei.

Primul curs postuniversitar despre biofeedback creditat de Colegiul Medicilor și Farmaciștilor din România cu puncte EMC (Educație Medicală Continuă).

Perioada de desfaşurare a cursului
Modul I  21 - 23 martie 2014
Modul II  02 - 04 mai 2014
Modul III  10 - 12 octombrie 2014
Modul IV  28 - 30 noiembrie 2014

Profesionalismul și educația de top încep să își lase amprenta pe scena mondială. SCIO International investește în educație și dezvoltă legături internationale prin colaborări și parteneriate. Suntem angajați în furnizarea unei pregătiri de calitate prin intermediul acestui curs anual care asigură o înțelegere a subiectelor principale în utilizarea dispozitivului SCIO și a aplicațiilor sale, garantând cele mai bune rezultate pentru participanți și oferă totodată o oportunitate excelentă de studiu și schimb de experiență, dezvoltarea unei rețele de colaborare profesională și parteneriat. 

Cursul este conceput pentru a ajuta participanții să acumuleze cunoștințe, competențe și să-și îmbunătățească performanțele pentru a putea deveni mai buni în utilizarea dispozitivului SCIO.
Participanții vor avea oportunitatea de a interacționa și de a se angaja în conversație cu prezentatorii și să participe la aplicații practice cu dispozitivul SCIO. 
•    Oportunități de învăţare pentru acumularea de cunoștinţe de la cei mai buni din domeniu;
•    Aplicaţii practice pentru îmbunătăţirea abilităţilor și cunoștinţelor;
•    Oportunităţi de colaborare profesională;
•    Discutarea subiectelor individuale în sesiuni de la persoană la persoană ;
•    Oportunităţi de învăţare prin intermediul sesiunilor de studiu de caz;
•    Prezentarea de resurse de auto-învăţare precum manual de utilizare, studii şi articole, DVD-uri de instruire.

Cursul este structurat modular, cuprinzând 4 module pe an.
Pentru a intra în posesia Certificatului de Absolvire, respectiv a punctelor EMC, este necesară participarea la toate cele 4 module ale cursului şi promovarea examenului.

Publicul ţintă include medici de familie, medici specialiști, medici de medicină ocupaţională, psihologi etc. Sunt bineveniţi să participe și alţi participanţi, cu sau fără profesii medicale. Cursul este destinat persoanelor care au absolvit o instituţie de învăţământ superior (deţin Diplomă de Licenţă).

După parcurgerea acestei activităţi educaţionale și promovarea examenului, participanţilor li se acordă Certificat de Absolvire eliberat de către Universitatea de Medicină și Farmacie “Victor Babeş”, Timișoara, România. Cursul este creditat de Colegiul Medicilor și Farmaciștilor din România cu puncte EMC (Educaţie Medicală Continuă). Acest Certificat de Absolvire reprezintă prima și singura realizare academică care oferă participanţilor cunoștinţe specializate în aplicarea dispozitivului SCIO.

Alăturaţi-vă celor mai influenţi și motivanţi practicieni și specialiști în medicină complementară care modelează viitorul practicii medicinii naturale:
Dr. Aurel I. Băcean (România)
Medic de specialitate neurochirurgie, Doctor în medicină, Dr. profesor expert în biorezonanţă și Quantum Biofeedback cu rezultate spectaculare în practica sa. 
Dr. Oana Codruţa Băcean Miloicov (România)
Medic de specialitate medicină generală, Doctor în medicină și instructor biofeedback acreditat internaţional.
Dr. Onuţ Marius Răzvan Băcean (România)
Medic de specialitate medicină de famile, doctorand și instructor biofeedback acreditat internaţional.
Dr. Igor Četojević (Cipru)
Doctor în medicină și acupuncturist, având o vastă experienţă în medicina tradiţională chineză, unul dintre practicienii și instructorii SCIO de top.
Dr. Matthias Heiliger (Elveţia)
Medic de specialitate ginecologie, obstetrică, balneologie, endocrinologie, chirurgie laser și termoreglare. Practician și instructor SCIO de succes.

Dr. Violetta Anninou (Grecia)
Biolog molecular, specialist biofeedback certificat, având o diplomă în Quantum Biofeedback şi un Certificat de Absolvire al cursului de Neuroanatomie, Neuroelectrofiziologie şi Biofeedback, emis de Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie “Victor Babeş” din Timişoara, România.

Dr. Iosif Mezei (România)
Medic primar de medicină generală/medicină de familie cu o vastă activitate în acupunctură, biorezonanţă, homeopatie, chiroterapie, psiho-oncologie, posturologie, osteopatie. Doctor în Știinţă Medicină Alternativă, practician QXCI/SCIO din anul 1997.

Pensiune AROMA, Oradea - Sanmartin, România
B-dul Felix 105/72
Tel: 0040 359 457 200
    0040 740 170 133
Email: info@scioqxci.net

Camerele de pensiune sunt disponibile la preţ special. Vă rugăm să faceţi rezervările prin intermediul societăţii SCIO International pentru acordarea reducerii. Rezervările vor fi acceptate în funcţie de disponibilitatea camerelor. 

Preţul unei camere single este de 25 Euro/noapte.
Preţul unei camere double este de 30 Euro/noapte.

În acest preţ sunt incluse: micul dejun, taxele, parcare pazită, internet Lan şi Wireless.

Opţional: cină, pentru contravaloarea sumei de 10 euro.

Cerinţele speciale, cum ar fi restricţiile dietetice, se anunţă în prealabil; este posibil ca solicitările să nu poată fi întotdeauna onorate la faţa locului.

Documente necesare pentru înscriere:
•    Formular de înscriere
•    Copie act de identitate
•    2 poze (mărime 3 x 4)
•    Copie diplomă de licenţă


Taxa de participare acoperă:
-    participarea la programul cursului,
-    pauzele de cafea şi masa de prânz.


Vă rugăm să aveţi amabilitatea de a vă înregistra până la 15 MARTIE, 2014 deoarece numărul de locuri este limitat.

Prezentările cursului, pe suport DVD sunt disponibile pentru participanţi, după editare şi la un preţ redus. Prezentările și/sau alte materiale ale prezentatorilor (în funcţie de disponibilitate) vor fi puse la dispoziţie în format electronic, în loc de material imprimat.  Este binevenită, dar nu necesară, utilizarea laptopului personal.

Informaţii generale:

Str. Lebedei nr. 58/A, Oradea, România
Tel: 0040 740 170 133
Fax: 0040 259 407 606
E-mail: info@scioqxci.net
Web: www.scioqxci.net

Evenimentul este filmat și se fac fotografii în mod regulat pentru scopuri publicitare. Prin înscrierea la curs, sunteţi de acord cu utilizarea de către organizator a fotografiilor dvs. din cadrul evenimentului în scopuri publicitare. 
Nu pierdeţi oportunitatea de a învăţa și de a vă perfecţiona în utilizarea dispozitivului SCIO împreună cu profesorii noștri de top!

Sistemul SCIO trebuie utilizat ca un sistem universal electrofiziologic de biofeedback. Este conceput pentru detectarea și reducerea stresului. Dispozitivul nu oferă diagnostic, depistând doar existenţa stresului. Stresul poate avea diferite cauze; acest sistem utilizează diferite terapii multimedia pentru reducerea stresului. Acest dispozitiv măsoară de asemenea reactivitatea electrofiziologică a corpului, fiind o altă modalitate de reprezentare stresului. Doar un cadru medical licenţiat poate diagnostica. Sistemul este calibrat pentru a măsura reacţiile fine și subtile ale corpului uman la un grup de factori de stres biologici și medicali. Sensibilitatea este setată extrem de fin, astfel încât permite captarea celor mai timpurii indicii ale existenţei factorilor de stres. Astfel, este posibil ca rezultatele să nu fie percepute de către pacient la nivel conștient. Rezultatele trebuie evaluate de către personal calificat. Consultaţi-vă întotdeauna cu!
  un terapeut din domeniul sănătăţii. Utilizaţi întotdeauna teste sau recomandări suplimentare. În cazul acestui dispozitiv, nu se poate face altă afirmaţie decât detectarea și reducerea stresului.